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Reducing COPD Flare-ups

For people living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), breathing can be very difficult and exacerbations can often lead to hospitalization. While exacerbations can be caused by a number of unknown factors, these flare-ups are often the result of air pollution, infections, smoking and improper use of inhaled medications. The good news is, however, that there are ways to limit flare-ups and improve quality of life.

The following tips on reducing COPD flare-ups have been pulled from “Bee Healthy: Understand COPD to Reduce Flare-ups,” an article by Jessica Jackson, a registered respiratory therapist at Sutter Gould Medical Foundation in Modesto, Calif.

  • Learn about the causes of COPD exacerbations.

  • Understand and avoid triggers for exacerbation.

  • Follow a physician-approved diet and exercise plan.

  • Use prescribed medications properly. Understand why you are taking it and how it will improve your symptoms.

  • Take time to unwind.

  • Quit smoking.

The best way to manage COPD and avoid exacerbations is to understand the disease, as well as the causes of flare-ups. Take the time to educate yourself, or speak with your doctor about any questions you may have. It could be an important step in the betterment of your health.

Click Here to Access the Full Article.


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