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Nine Gifts to Improve Comfort During Quarantine

Feb2021image006Touch is essential, and a lack of it can have a negative impact on someone’s quality of life. It can also lead to or exacerbate mental health issues, especially for people suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) who need to continue quarantining until the COVID-19 pandemic comes to an end.

If you or someone you know is feeling lonely or isolated, here are nine gifts that can help cope with a lack of touch and human interaction.

  1. Therapy balls — These are great alternatives for anyone longing for a massage. Placing these balls under different areas of the body can release tension and activate pressure points. Massage pillows are also available for people looking to restrict movement.
  2. Weighted blanket — These blankets mimic deep pressure touch, which is a firm, hands-on touch that can help reduce stress and anxiety.
  3. Bath and shower bombs — A warm bath or shower can be soothing for anyone suffering from touch-deprivation. Fizzy bath and shower bombs can take these activities to the next level by changing the color of the water and filling the shower or tub with pleasant scents.
  4. A personal foot bath — Not only does this re-create the feeling of a foot massage, but by throwing in essential oils and wearing a clay mask, you can create your own little in-home spa day.
  5. Stuffed animal/body pillow — Kids aren’t the only ones who can find solace in a stuffed animal. Limited research shows that touching an inanimate object, such as a teddy bear, can soothe anxiety and fear in adults. A large stuffed animal can also double as a comfortable — and comforting — body pillow.
  6. Skin-care products — Self-touch while caring for your skin with oils, lotions or exfoliants can be very soothing. It can also help slow things down as you pay attention to the sensations you’re feeling.
  7. A warm hug from your dryer — Warming up a bathrobe or neck wrap in a microwave or dryer and wrapping it around your body can be extremely soothing and cozy. Some wraps even offer aromatherapy and deep pressure touch when heated.
  8. Cat robot — A great alternative for people who can’t take care of or who may be allergic to cats, these robots are incredibly lifelike — they heat up, imitate the rise and fall of a cat breathing, respond to touch and more.
  9. Somatic therapy — This is a form of psychotherapy that utilizes self-touch to help explore any emotional issues you may be grappling with.

Read the whole story for more on coping with isolation and loneliness.