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Coping With COPD: Delegate Responsibility

Delegating responsibility is an important stress management tool and an effective way to actively manage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Stress and anxiety can have a negative effect on the overall health of COPD patients, causing shortness of breath and a worsening of other symptoms, which can lead to further anxiety, faster breathing and fear.

By actively lightening the burden of responsibility, you can reduce stress levels at home and work and create more time for the activities you love. The key is to take a team approach to activities and involve all parties in sharing the load.

To modify stress levels and responsibility, The Cleveland Clinic health information website suggests applying the following guidelines to situations at home or modifying them to fit situations at work:

  • Make a list of tasks involved in each job you are responsible for
  • Take the time to train someone to handle specific jobs or tasks
  • Assign responsibility to a specific person
  • Give clear, specific instructions and deadlines
  • Rotate unpleasant duties
  • Be appreciative and let people know that you are pleased with a job well done
  • Allow others to execute a task in their own way
  • Give up being a perfectionist

Following these guidelines will allow you to actively manage stress levels and take control of your COPD and overall health. Remember, your family and friends are there to support you. By allowing them to help you with everyday activities, you will not only feel better but also have more time to spend with them doing the things you enjoy.