Welcome to the National Emphysema Foundation (NEF)

This site is for the benefit of our loyal readers to enable them to better cope with and understand the nature of emphysema and COPD. Throughout each year, we will present items of interest related to this disease including new research, current treatment initiatives, and innovative ways of coping.  As we move forward we will strive to improve and expand our web site to meet the needs and wishes of our readers.

Featured Articles
IMAGE An improved quality of life is the NEF mission.
The NEF’s mission is to improve the quality of life of patients with emphysema and their caregivers by providing and supporting educational, advocacy and research... ARTICLE >
IMAGE Everything We Know About COVID-19, Precautions and Vaccines
It’s been more than a year since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. Though the emergence of several vaccines hold promise for... ARTICLE >
IMAGE COPD and Emphysema afflict millions of adults and children today.
An estimated 3.1 million Americans have been diagnosed with emphysema and 11.2 million U.S. adults have been estimated to have COPD. Emphysema and Chronic... ARTICLE >